Click on the links below to practise your theory. Each section is preceded by a lesson.
Each link contains 20 questions with a two-minute time limit and your score at the end.
Every time you click on the exercises, the questions will be different.
More graded exercises are on their way, so watch this space!
Lesson: Piano keys - note names
Beginners: one octave or less
Beginners: one octave or less
Three notes:
Note names: Bass Clef F to A Bass Clef A to C Treble Clef C to E Treble Clef E to G
On the keyboard: Bass Clef F to A Bass Clef A to C Treble Clef C to E Treble Clef E to G
C Position:
Note names: Treble Clef C to G Bass Clef C to G Both Clefs C to G
On the keyboard: Treble Clef C to G Bass Clef C to G Both Clefs C to G
All the Lines and Spaces - Treble and Bass Clef Separately:
On the keyboard: Bass Clef F to A Bass Clef A to C Treble Clef C to E Treble Clef E to G
C Position:
Note names: Treble Clef C to G Bass Clef C to G Both Clefs C to G
On the keyboard: Treble Clef C to G Bass Clef C to G Both Clefs C to G
Beginner's Lines and Spaces - Grand Staff :
Note names - Grand staff: Lines only Spaces only Lines & spaces
On the keyboard - Grand staff: Lines & spaces
On the keyboard - Grand staff: Lines & spaces
Octave C to C:
Note names: Bass Clef C to C Treble Clef C to C
On the keyboard: Bass Clef C to C Treble Clef C to C
All the Lines and Spaces - Treble and Bass Clef Separately:
Note names spaces: Treble Clef - spaces only Bass Clef - spaces only
Note names: Treble Clef - lines and spaces Bass Clef - lines and spaces
On the keyboard: Treble lines & spaces Bass lines & spaces
On the keyboard: Treble lines & spaces Bass lines & spaces
All the lines and spaces - Grand Staff:
Note names: Grand Staff - spaces only Grand Staff - lines only
Note names: Both Clefs lines and spaces Grand Staff lines and spaces
On the keyboard: Both clefs lines & spaces Grand staff lines & spaces
On the keyboard: Both clefs lines & spaces Grand staff lines & spaces
Ledger lines
Lesson: Accidentals
Keyboard note identification
On the keyboard: Lines below the treble staff Lines above the treble staff
Lines below the bass staff Lines above the bass staff
Lines below the bass staff Lines above the bass staff
Lesson: Accidentals
Keyboard note identification
Ledger Lines - treble clef (with accidentals) Ledger Lines - bass clef (with accidentals)
Ledger Lines - both clefs (with accidentals)
Ledger Lines - both clefs (with accidentals)
Lesson: Introduction to Intervals
Naming intervals (by number only)
Lesson: Specific Intervals
Perfect 4th, 5th, 8ve Perfect 4th, 5th, 8ve on the keyboard
Major 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th Major 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th on the keyboard
Major & Perfect Intervals Major & perfect intervals on the keyboard
Major / minor 2nd (2 / 1 semitones) Major / minor 2nd on the keyboard
Major /minor 7th (-1 / -2 semitones down from 8ve) Major / minor 7th on the keyboard
Major / minor 3rd (4 / 3 semitones) Major /minor 6th (9 / 8 semitones)
Naming intervals (by number only)
Lesson: Specific Intervals
Perfect 4th, 5th, 8ve Perfect 4th, 5th, 8ve on the keyboard
Major 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th Major 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th on the keyboard
Major & Perfect Intervals Major & perfect intervals on the keyboard
Major / minor 2nd (2 / 1 semitones) Major / minor 2nd on the keyboard
Major /minor 7th (-1 / -2 semitones down from 8ve) Major / minor 7th on the keyboard
Major / minor 3rd (4 / 3 semitones) Major /minor 6th (9 / 8 semitones)